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Vinyasa Yoga


Course Description

Course Description

Discover Tranquility: Yoga for Inner Balance is a program or practice that aims to help individuals attain a sense of peace, calmness, and emotional balance through practicing yoga. Yoga is an ancient practice that involves various physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. It has proven to have numerous health benefits such as reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, improving flexibility, balance, and strength. Discover Tranquility: Yoga for Inner Balance focuses on these aspects of yoga to promote inner peace and emotional balance. In this program, individuals are taught to synchronize their breath with movements to increase oxygen flow, calm the mind, and soothe the nervous system. This program is suitable for anyone, regardless of age, gender, or fitness level, who desires to find inner peace and balance in their lives.

What you’ll learn?

Who This Course Is For

Hatha Yoga

Learn the essential principles of yoga, including proper posture, alignment, and breathing techniques, to establish a strong foundation for your practice.

60 min

Explore the power of breath as you delve into pranayama techniques and relaxation exercises to calm your mind and reduce stress.

60 min

Discover how to build strength and flexibility through a series of yoga asanas (poses) designed to improve your physical conditioning.

60 min

Practice balancing poses and meditation to enhance your mental and emotional equilibrium, fostering a sense of inner peace and harmony.

60 min

Learn how to integrate yoga into your daily life and establish a sustainable practice that promotes overall well-being and a tranquil state of mind.

60 min



Margot Robb

Yoga Instructor

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